About Me

From a career in media to a pioneering force in health engineering, my journey is not just about change, it's about transformation. At the age of 37, a profound loss reshaped my future. My grandmother, a dedicated doctor, was confined to her bed in her final years. Witnessing her suffer through what could possibly have been preventable ailments struck a deep chord within me. This pivotal moment steered me towards a newfound purpose: to harness the power of epigenetics and nutrition to heal and to prevent rather than to treat symptoms superficially.

Before I embraced the world of health engineering, I led a fulfilling career across various sectors including media, women’s health, and wellness technology. Each role fortified my resolve to lead a purpose-driven life, yet, something was missing — a direct impact on individual lives.

As I transitioned into the realm of functional nutrition and biohacking, I began self-experimenting with different dietary theories, movement practices, and lifestyle changes that could influence genetic expression — the core of epigenetics. My experimentation was not in vain; I successfully reversed my own PCOS, hypothyroidism, and even reduced my biological age, showcasing the profound effects of personalized health strategies.

Today, I stand before you not only as a coach but as a living testimony to the wonders of functional nutrition and proactive health management. My certifications from prestigious institutions like iThrive Academy, New York University, and the International Sports Sciences Association are not just credentials, but tools that equip me to transform lives, just as I transformed mine.

What Drives Me

Empowering women, especially those in executive roles who juggle countless responsibilities, to take charge of their health and wellbeing. My approach goes beyond diet adjustments and generic workouts. I delve deep into blood work analysis, hormonal fluctuations, and gut microbiome to tailor wellness plans that are as unique as the individuals I serve.

Join Me

Join me in this journey of health reclamation, where we do not just aim to extend life but to enhance its quality, ensuring every year is lived to the fullest. Let’s heal, nourish, and renew together.